The Astronomical Society of Frankston, Inc.


General Meetings

The A.S.F. regularly holds General Meetings for members and anyone interested in joining the Society. These are held on the THIRD WEDNESDAY of each month, at the Peninsula School Lecture Theatre, Wooralla Drive, Mount Eliza, Victoria, commencing at around 8pm.

These meetings are an informal way of learning more about the ASF and it's activities and new members are always most welcome. They are usually divided into two sessions; the first consisting of introductions, a raffle and specialist presentations by members followed by a coffee break, and the second session, usually running two concurrent events in seperate rooms, i.e. video/speaker, social interaction/observing (if clear).

We are fortunate to have the use of the Peninsula School's Lecture theatre with it's state-of-the-art audiovisual equipment, giving a comfortable, visually satisfying display.

If you wish to come along, contact the society on 0419 253 252.

Additional Information:

[ASFnet homepage] [Peninsula School]